stack calculation tables

Passion functions

Type 1st (unlim) 4th (lim 1) 6th (lim 1) 7th (lim 1,4,6) 9th (lim 1) 12th (lim 1,4,9) 14th (lim 1,6,9) 15th (lim 1,4,6,7,9,12,14)
IxFP (aesthetic) mFi (Experienced in identity finding) fTe fFe mTi fFi mTe mFe F-Ti
fFi (Experienced with deep emotions) mTe mFe fTi mFi fTe fFe mTi
ExFJ (nice) mFe (Experienced in influencing people) fTi fFi mTe fFe mTi mFi fTe
mFe (Experienced in emotional support) mTi mFi fTe mFe fTi fFi mTe
ESxP (adapting) mSe (Experienced in getting what they need) fNi fSi (fear of forgetting) mNe (finds happiness in adventure) fSe mNi mSi fNe
fSe (Experienced in adapting to social conditions) mNi mSi (fear of getting forgotten) fNe mSe fNi fSi mNe
ISxJ (relying) mSi (Experienced in conserving memories) fNe fSe (fears of being conspicuous) mNi (finds happiness in planning) fSi mNe mSe fNi
fSi (Experienced in memorization) mNe mSe fNi (finds happiness in a predictable future) mSi fNe fSe mNi
ExTJ (correcting) mTe (Experienced in system control) fFi fTi mFe fTe mFi mTi fFe
mTe (Experienced in organization) mFi mTi (fear of not getting the own needs met) fFe mTe fFi fTi mFe
IxTP (improving) mTi (Experienced in logical decision making) fFe fTe (fears of not fulfilling responsibilities) mFi (finds happiness in having an impact) fTi mFe mTe fFi
mTi (Experienced in solving logical problems) mFe (suggestible in human interaction) mTe (fears of being out of system control) fFi (finds happiness in aesthetics) mTi fFe fTe mFi
ENxP (creative) mNe (Experienced in improvisation) fSi fNi (fears of wasting time) mSe (finds happiness in extreme sensations) fNe mSi mNi fSe
fNe (Experienced in brainstorming) mSi mNi (fears of dystopian future scenarios) fSe (finds happiness in complex sensations) mNe fSi fNi mSe
INxJ (researching) mNi (Experienced in discipline) fSe (suggestible in physical taste) fNe mSi (finds happiness in  fNi mSe mNe fSi
fNi (Experienced in focusing) mSe mNe fSi (finds happiness in memorable events) mNi fSe fNe mSi

Use functions

Type 2nd (unlim) 3rd (lim 2) 5th (lim 2) 8th (lim 2,3,5) 10th (lim 2) 11th (lim 2,3,10) 13th (lim 2,5,11) 16th (lim 2,3,5,8,10,11,13)
ExFP (motivator) mFi fTe fFe mTi fFi mTe mFe fTi
fFi mTe mFe fTi mFi fTe fFe mTi
IxFJ (empath) mFe fTi fFi mTe fFe mTi mFi fTe
fFe mTi mFi fTe mFe fTi fFi mTe
ISxP (pragmatist) mSe fNi fSi mNe fSe mNi mSi fNe
fSe (helps by observing) mNi mSi fNe mSe fNi fSi mNe
ESxJ (conservative) mSi fNe fSe mNi fSi mNe mSe fNi
fSi mNe mSe fNi mSi fNe fSe mNi
IxTJ (scientist) mTe (helps with important information) fFi fTi mFe fTe mFi mTi fFe
fTe mFi mTi fFe mTe fFi fTi mFe
ExTP (challenger) mTi fFe fTe mFi fTi mFe mTe fFi
fTi mFe mTe fFi mTi fFe fTe mFi
INxP (progressivist) mNe (helps with ideas) fSi (perform well in being remembered) fNi mSe fNe mSi mNi fSe
fNe (helps by being open) mSi (perform well in creating something memorable) mNi fSe mNe fSi fNi mSe
ENxJ (utopist) mNi fSe (perform well in becoming popular) fNe mSi fNi mSe mNe fSi
fNi mSe (perform well in getting what they need) mNe fSi mNi fSe fNe mSi