Dimensions of attention

The dimensions of attention are a theory by myself, but inspired by several already existing theories/concepts like the Dimensions of consciousness.

The four dimensions of existing typology

In the context of the popular existing typology theories, MBTI, Socionics, Objective Personality and the Enneagram, there are four dimensions of attention.


The first dimension is depth itself. It reaches from deep inside the self away from the self and is the dimension of will and emotion. It's the most symptomatic dimension. Here, other phenomenons result in impulses.

2nd (10)

The second dimension is width. It's the interface around the self, orthogonal to the first dimension. It's the dimension of sensation and intimacy, the perception of the immediate environment that will cause the impulses in the first dimension.

3rd (11)

The third dimension is what is usually called reality. It's the product of the first two dimensions and includes whole physical objects and the data that is imprinted in them. It's the dimension of preservation and memory. The objects here will cause the perception in the second dimension.

4th (100)

The fourth dimension is the spectrum of possibilities. These possibilities manifest in the reality of the third dimension.

The higher Body Chakra Dimensions

5th (101)

The fifth dimension is the dimension of concepts and ideas. Concepts and ideas exist in the fifth dimension in a similar way like physical things exist in the third. When concepts and ideas are discovered, they extend the spectrum of possibilities in the fourth dimension. The most impactful concepts and ideas are called paradigms.

6th (110)

The sixth dimension is the spectrum of awareness and thoughts. This awareness is essential for the concepts of the fifth dimension.

7th (111)

The seventh dimension is the dimension of universes. In this context, a universe is something with eternal abstract properties that subjects can be aware of. This awareness happens in the sixth dimension.

8th (1000)

The eighth dimension is the spectrum of abilities.

The dimensions with chakras beyond the body

9th (1001)

10th (1010)

11th (1011)

12th (1100)

13th (1101) - 16th (1 0000)

The dimensions without chakras

17th (1 0001) - 32th (10 0000)

33th (10 0001) -

The Dimension binary digits

last: personally relevant

before-last: sensorically accessible

third-last: theoretically possible

fourth-last: in personal control

fifth-last: what can be uncovered

sixth-last: thinkable